lawyer sitting at desk

When Should I Seek Out a Lease Dispute Lawyer in NYC?

Disputes can pop up when you are renting a property from someone else. If you and your landlord cannot come to an agreement and deal with a matter in a civil way, you may want to hire a New York City residential lease dispute lawyer. Someone from our firm can help you fight back against a landlord who would disrespect you and violate the terms of your lease.

When Can a Lease Dispute Lawyer Help Me?

There are a few situations where you may want to have a lease dispute lawyer on your side. An attorney can assist with:

Evictions: Whether your landlord allegedly has a legal reason to evict you or they are engaging in illegal activities, like locking you out of your own dwelling without court approval, our lawyers are ready to help you fight back.

Repairs: If your landlord will not make the repairs that the law requires them to make, you may need the assistance of a lease dispute lawyer. Your lease entitles you to a livable space, and a landlord who won’t repair things like broken windows, water heaters, or busted pipes are violating that warranty of habitability.

Discrimination: If you believe that your landlord is discriminating against you, you may be able to sue them in court after submitting complaints to the Department of Housing and Urban Development. We can help you file a complaint and fight your landlord in housing court if needed.

Injury or illness: If you were hurt on the property due to your landlord’s negligence, it may be time to hire an attorney. You may also be able to sue if conditions on the property have made you sick. Think of exposure to mold or toxins.

What About Legal Fees?

If you’re worried about legal fees and the cost of hiring an attorney, we understand. It’s important to note that your lease might have a clause about attorney fees. Even if it seems like the clause is only about you reimbursing your landlord for their fees if you lose a case against them, such provisions are often considered unfair and will be read as two-way clauses. So you may be able to be reimbursed for whatever fees you paid to a lawyer.

Landlords often have to pay the legal fees of tenants who successfully sue over injuries, discrimination, or uninhabitable living conditions as well. So do not rule out hiring a lease dispute lawyer just because of the financial cost.

Talk to a Lease Dispute Lawyer Today

If you are in a conflict with your landlord and you do not think that you can solve it yourself, contact Robert Rosenblatt & Associates. We can schedule a free consultation and tell you more about your legal options and what our attorneys can do to help.

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